Marvel Universe Role-Play Wiki

Please Bold your answers and fill out the following Questions:


Give a short History about your character (1-4 paragraphs). Remember, this can be added to your character page later. I always loved being above my peers, I was admired by every one of them.  Until Middle School, others took my place putting me in nothingness.  I was good at many things and still amazingly smart, but in my mind not smart enough.  I thought to myself if I can not reach the others mental state manuave to do it psychicly. 

I practiced for many days over and over. Until at about 3:00PM on my 200th day of training it happened, or so I thought.  It wasn't telekinesis it was magic, I should have known I could reach it. Everything in my life it makes perfect since.  My father did not die in a car wreck he died in a fight with a hero.  I know he did wrong, but that is no reason for him to die.  From that day forward my goal was to be admired by all in the world even if I had to force them into doing it, I will be king.

What is your character's personality? Kind, rude, boastful, or humble? Genious, cunning, creative, direct, determined, strategic.

What do you want your character to get into? S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, X-Men, or Student or Teacher at Xavier's School? Student at Xavier's School.

Is your character an Adult or a Student (include student Grade/Year)? Student 14 Years old

Is your character a Hero, Villain, or Agent? Villian

What are some powers/abilities of your character? What makes them a Hero, Villain, or Agent? Magic and Superhuman Intel.

If your character is an adult, do they have any children, wife, or significant other?

Please fill out some of the following Out of Character Questions:

Is this your first character? Yes or no? Yes

List the amount of time you think you will be able to participate weekly. Twice a week, every day, once a week? Matters how good this website is, if I like it then every day.  If just okay probably twice a week.

If you know your UTC time zone, please list it here: EST, the same as NY's. 
